5 March 2007

Home sweet home

A long time ago I rented an apartment over at a condo tower. At the 8th floor life was nice. Quiet neighbours, a lovely and clean place all around.

Also, we tenants got to use the parking lot, the swimming pool, a camping area with fireplaces and small wooden houses and a skybox for... recreational activities, so to speak.

Then one day, the condo owner sells the business to another person. We got a new condo (identical to the previous one) a few meters away.

Plus side:

- Rent lowered from 300 L$ to 150/week

Minus side:

- The skybox is gone
- The parking lot is gone
- The camping area is gone
- The swimming pool has been replaced with a smaller, not so nice one

I said to myself: "Ok, less services but I pay less per week, I can do it" but I didn't know the horror story had yet to end.

I then discovered that I had new (and lousy) neighbours and a few floors below there is an apartment where I never saw the tenant, but which is visited frequently by people having sex and doing everything in open chat.

Not enough. In front of the condo the manager appointed by the new owner placed a flag (Washington state?) and an HUGE billboard asking people to click there for info about renting there.

Yesterday I teleport back to the condo and I find it has been moved again (so it seems. or there is something messing with the teleport) and more and more national flags have been planted in front of it.

Pfftttt... What a messy and ugly place is now. You may say "buy" your own land but that's another story to be told...


Rossana Fleury said...

Maledetti tutti i tenutari!
Dobbiamo trovare il modo di convincere Linden Lab a mollarci un pezzo di terra (che ci spetterebbe per contratto) e poi ce la costruiamo noi la casa, senza dover chiedere niente a nessuno.

Ci sentiamo presto


Samantha Goldflake said...

Eh, no. Il "contratto" dice che un account premium può possedere 512 mq. di terreno senza pagare quote aggiuntive. Fino a poco tempo fa c'era il programma "First Land", dove di quando in quando Linden Labs rilasciava degli appezzamenti che potevano essere comprati, da chi non aveva mai posseduto terreni, a 512L$.

Questo programma è stato cancellato.

Ci sono comunque varie possibilità per avere "terra" o "casa". Senti, se ti può andare come discorso potremmo prendere qualcosa assieme e dividere le spese. Giusto un'idea. Magari ne parliamo online. Bacio.