22 January 2007


Ok, someone I met inworld pointed out that my blog is quite outdated. As always, I replied that I'm too much into SL to even get the chance to tell on my blog about everything going on there :)

So here I am with my post (or rant, if you like more).

I'm not saying anything new here, but to be a woman in SL can be annoying sometimes. As most women do, I try to look pretty/cute/gorgeous and so far so good.

The drawback is that I can't go anywhere (almost) without being approached by some guy (most of the times a newbies, since they're so chatty, cheery and excited - even without featuring an erect penis) asking what I do in that place, where I do come from, how old I am and so on.

First off, this is "Second Life" - first one does not matter and anyway one should (at least I think so) get acquainted with someone, before asking all sorts of (innocent) questions.

Second, I know that in RL a good looking woman can be approached by someone in an attempt to get to know her (so to speak) but when I'm on a place (a mall, a beach, a public walk) and I've to spend most of my time evading from "Hi", "How do you do" and so on, then there is a problem.

A couple days ago I was at a place called "Laguna beach". A guy (SL newbie) started a conversation and I was answering with not much emphasis. He finally commented on how relaxing that place was, and I backfired stating that it wasn't true. He got the message and, quite upset, he left mumbling.

What he didn't know was that yes, I was there to relax, but he was something like the 10th guy in a row coming up with the usual pickup lines.

Third, I try to be kind and polite everytime and if I get that someone is saying "Hi" to me, I always answer back. Too bad that often that ends in some random guy offering me friendship. if I spent some minutes with you talking about how's life or the weather, that doesn't mean that I want to be your best buddy forever!

Fourth, some people will use IMs straight away to get in touch with me for the first time. There are the "IM snipers", people well out of my visual range that will send me an IM and will try to start a conversation while I'm desperately trying to see where they are!



Rossana Fleury said...

Ciao bella
hai scritto praticamente quello che avrei voluto analizzare nel prossimo blog. Concordo esattamente con quello che dici.
SL è un mondo difficile per una donna...ma mai quanto lo è quello reale
Un bacio

Samantha Goldflake said...

Ehi, grazie per il commento :)

Io non scrivo così bene come te, comunque. Potrei andarci vicino, ma devo ammettere che i miei scritti li tiro un po' via, senza dedicarci più di tanto tempo.

Magari proverò ad impegnarmi un po' di più :)